Our learners who access the Non-Subject Specific Curriculum are learners who have a range of severe, profound and multiple learning difficulties. Many of these learners have physical disabilities alongside other difficulties such as cognitive processing needs, sensory needs and or complex health needs.
Communication for these learners will be very individual but is likely to include vocalisation, facial expression, gesture and body language. Students are further supported to communicate using high tech aids such as eye gaze if appropriate. Staff are trained in a wide range of communication strategies to support students such as Intensive Interaction, visual support and objects of reference.
Classes access a multitude of sensory play based experiences including construction, messy play, water play as well as more high tech experiences visits to the sensory room, exploring ICT using switches, touch screen technology and eye gaze computers. Students also enjoy therapeutic activities such as hydrotherapy, rebound therapy and MOVE. Learning in these classes is very much student led, with a strong emphasis on play and playfulness. It is paramount that students are happy and enjoying themselves!
The core priorities for these learners are to develop their physical skills, communication skills and personal, social and emotional development. Personalised targets are set termly in all of these areas and in cognition. Students also access a broad range of creative and cultural experiences including targeted workshops such as ‘Wow Now!’ and ‘Magpie Dance’.