Parent Partnership
Home School Contact Books
At Marlborough School every child has a home school contact book. These help to provide a daily exchange of information between home and school. Class teachers will include information about your child’s daily activities and wellbeing, ensuring that you are kept informed about their progress.
Annual Reviews
Annual Reviews are held once a year to review children’s learning and progress. Class teachers will provide a report of the progress your child has made in all areas of their learning. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in this process, ensuring their views are heard, particularly their likes and dislikes and they are given the opportunity to demonstrate their achievements. Targets are set in partnership with parents for new areas of learning and achievement.
Parents Evenings
Parents evenings are held twice per academic year. Parent’s evenings are an opportunity for you to talk to your child’s class teacher about their learning and overall progress.
Newsletters and Letters
Newsletters are sent out to parents once a month and are also uploaded on the school website. These provide a lot of information about recent event and activities that students have participated in and are a lovely way to showcase the amazing work of our students.
Telephone Communication
Please be aware that teachers are available to speak to parents about students, however, they will not be available to take phone calls during the school day between 9.15am-3.15pm. If you wish to speak to your child’s class teacher, please phone the main school reception outside of this time.