

Research at Marlborough School  

Marlborough School utilises an evidence based approached including for strategic decision making and teaching approaches. We are also part of the Empower Research Hub through Challenge Partners, and Liz Smith our headteacher, is also an Affiliated Researcher with The Open University. 

Evidence based pedagogy approaches include:


Beyond manifestos. What does education need next? SSAT, Nov 26th, 2023 

A Holistic Approach to Assessment for Students with Severe Learning Difficulties, EdD thesis, The Open University, May, 2023 

Assessing progress in children with severe/ profound intellectual disabilities: what are the issues? Disability & Society, Feb 23rd, 2020

Holistic Assessment at Marlborough School, March 17th, 2024

Further reading
Capable Learning environments 


Current Research Project February 2025 

Liz is working on a research project with Dr Ben Evans at The Open University entitled ‘The value of music to develop Preparation for Adulthood skills for students with severe learning difficulties (SLD).’ This project aims to capture the development in Preparation for Adulthood skills through the experiences of music making for students participating in music activities such as choir and drumming club at Marlborough Legacy.  Ben is the researcher primarily responsible for carrying out fieldwork with staff and liaising with other stakeholders and parents/carers. Liz is the researcher primarily responsible for carrying out fieldwork with students. A favourable opinion from HREC (ethics) at the OU was received in February 2025, and it is anticipated that data collection will start in March 2025.
