Careers Programme & Preparation for Adulthood
Marlborough School Careers Leader:
Candice Smith
Email via admin: marked for the attention of Candice Smith
Telephone: 020 8300 6896
Here at Marlborough we are committed to continuous improvement. As part of this process, your feedback helps us make informed decisions about the experiences we offer our students.
To provide us with feedback on a recent event, please see the forms below:
Experience Feedback Form - Parents/Carers
Eperience Feedback Form - Provider
At Marlborough School we have developed an aspirational and inclusive careers programme to enrich our student’s education in this area as well as meet all of their learning styles and needs. Personal development is an integral part of our careers programme and we aim to support our students to become as independent as possible and equip them with the skills they need for adulthood. Careers learning and personal development is incorporated into all lessons and programmes of study where appropriate and as a school we encourage enrichment activities to further develop and inform our students and prepare them for their future pathways.
We have developed our programme in line with recent statutory government guidance and the Gatsby Benchmarks for all students from year 7 to 14:
Careers and Impact at Marlborough
Destination Data September 2024
Post 19 Transition - Future Pathways
Careers strategy: making the most of everyone’s skills and talents (November 2017)
Careers and Enterprise Website
Please see our school's policies below:
Preparation for Adulthood Policy
Careers Policy and Imprint Programme
Useful links: