Meadow Pathway
Meadow Classes: Lavender and Tulip
Please see here for information about the individual staff members within these classes.
Meadow Pathway Curriculum Themes
Learning opportunities are enhanced by a themed, immersive curriculum that enables students to engage with high quality texts and a wide range of resources. The Meadow Curriculum operates on a five year rolling programme of themes.
Some of the students within the Meadow pathway will access the Non-Subject Specific Curriculum. These learners often have a range of severe, profound and multiple learning difficulties. More information can be found here.
Meadow Pathway Teaching Assistants
Meadow teaching assistants are skilled and passionate practitioners who support students to be as independent as possible in their learning. They are trained in supporting medical needs, specialist communication strategies such as Intensive Interaction and programmes to further develop physical skills, for example MOVE. Meadow teaching assistants work sensitively with students, support them to maintain dignity at all times, respect student voice and are attuned to the unique ways that Meadow students communicate.
Pathway Activities
Every Meadow Pathway class gathers on a regular basis to celebrate student’s learning from the day and week. We have also developed community links to support cultural capital including sessions with Charlton Athletic, Inspire Sports and Magpie Dance. Therapists regularly come to visit classes to support students’ range of complex needs including occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech and language therapists, CAMHS, educational psychologists and a music therapist. This input helps us to thrive at school, home and in the community. All Meadow classes have weekly hydrotherapy and rebound therapy sessions. These valuable experiences support development of communication, build strong trusting relationships with staff and peers as well as supporting physical development. Meadow Pathway classes have access to a broad balanced curriculum including communication and interaction with regular reading slots and a weekly session in the sensory room, cognition including maths,construction, science and computing, personal, health, social and emotional development including RSE (relationship and sex education) and physical and sensory development. They access specialist rooms on a two weekly rota for subjects such as art, food tech, music and careers (learning outside the classroom including the school café).